朝鮮半島の女性の悲しい歴史 The Sad History of Women on the Korean Peninsula 5世紀、隣国の王は朝鮮の王に「処女をくれ」といいました。 In the 5th century, a king of a neighboring country asked the king of Joseon to give him a virgin. 朝鮮の王は「命乞い」のために「処女狩り」を行って処女を集め隣国の王にプレゼントしました。 To beg for his life, the king of Joseon conducted a "virgin hunt" to collect virgins and presented them to the king of the neighboring country. 隣国の使者が朝鮮に来るたびに「処女狩り」が行われました。 Whenever an envoy from a neighboring country came to Joseon, a "virgin hunt" was conducted. そのうち隣国の使者は王の処女だけでなく自分たちの処女も要求しました。 Eventually, the envoys of the neighboring countries demanded not only the king's virgins but also their own virgins. 朝鮮には産業がなかったので女性を隣国に売ることで外貨を稼げるようになりました。 Since Joseon had no industry, it was possible to earn foreign currency by selling women to neighboring countries. 日韓併合時日本は人身売買を禁止しました。 At the time of the Japan-Korea annexation, Japan banned human trafficking. しかし人肉商は女性拉致を続けました。 However, the traffickers continued to abduct women. 朝鮮...