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ソ・ギョンドク about Seo Kyoung-Duk

#cancelkorea #unusualskorea #liarkoreans #criminalkoreans

About Seo Kyoung-Duk, the leader of The Rising Sun Flag issue

It is Professor Seo Kyoung-Duk who brought up The Rising Sun Flag issue as an anti-Japanese card.

The following are his harassment activities against Japan.

On March 29, 2012, he posted a full-page advertisement for comfort women (wartime prostitutes) in the New York Times.

The comfort women issue (wartime prostitutes) is an international scam created by the South Korean government based on the resentment of Yanban and human meat traders who suffered from the Japan-Korea annexation in order to tarnish Japan's image and win the economic war with Japan.

The issue of comfort women in the Japanese military faced the danger of falling into an international scam by Lee Yong-soo and "The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan".

The international scam is described in the 2018 South Korean SNS.

‘종북’ 문재인 위한 ‘거짓말 할머니’, 일본군 위안부 이용수 (1)
이용수와 정대협에 의해 국제사기극으로 전락할 위험에 직면한 우리의 일본군 위안부 문제

Translated into Japanese

English translation
“Lee Grandma” for “Pro-North Korean” Moon Jae-in, Japanese military comfort woman Lee Yong-soo (1)

On October 05, 2012, a comfort woman apology request advertisement was posted again in Times Square Square in New York.

He has filed a lawsuit for unpaid compensation from a local advertising agency in the United States that contracted the ad.

On October 29, 2012, he reported to the Korean media that he and 50 foreign students had posted 10,000 posters at 40 major universities in Japan asking for an apology for the issue of comfort women during the war.

It was reported by major South Korean newspapers such as Yonhap News Agency and The JoongAng Ilbo.

However, according to inquiries and tracking surveys conducted by J-CAST for the targeted universities, no university was able to find the poster.

According to university officials, nothing has been found, so it was reported with the conclusion that this was his fabrication or false delusion.

In January 2013, Google and Apple posted an online ad on the Wall Street Journal's website calling for a change to South Korea's unique name, East Sea, in protest at the map service's notation of the Sea of Japan.

日本海は、1929年に設立された国際組織の国際水路機構(IHO)は、この約1世紀、「Sea of Japan」と定めています。
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), an international organization established in 1929, defines the Sea of Japan as the "Sea of Japan" for about a century.

He is a disruptor who disrupts the international standards of the world's seas and the international norms needed for safe routes.

This is a video that a book written as the Sea of Japan attaches a sticker written "East Sea".


In Japan, it is a crime to equipment damage, but is it not a crime in Korea?

On March 28, 2013, to educate students that Takeshima (Dokdo) is Korean territory, he established Dokdo School and became the first principal.

Takeshima was robbed by the Koreans in 1952.


He becomes the principal of the school and brainwashes the Koreans that the island that Korea robbed is an "island of Korea".

He raises Koreans to be liars.

On May 28, 2014, he published an advertisement in the New York Times condemning the Japan National Soccer World Cup team's uniform, saying that "The Rising Sun Flag is designed on the Japanese uniforms."

From here, he raises The Raising Sun Flag into a new anti-Japanese card.

On January 28, 2015, he announced that he had sent a letter to the Asian Football Federation requesting the removal of the cheering photos "The Rising Sun Flag" from published in the official Asian Cup guidebook.

On April 28, 2015, he disliked Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech at a joint meeting of the Upper and Lower Houses of Congress in the United States.

So he advertised his opinion in The New York Times, the title is "Do you remember the attack on Pearl Harbor?" and he used a photo of "Pearl Harbor covered in black smoke".

On September 24, 2015, he announced that he would protest against the Sea of Japan's single notation of map information such as Baidu, Tencent, and Sogou, an Internet search site in China.


He only announced it and it is unclear if he executed it.

I can't find anything on "China recognizes the East Sea"...

He doesn't protest against North Korea or China's Japanese flag design, will such a coward really be able to protest against China?

North Korea's voting card

Designs in China

I've never heard of him protesting against these designs.

He seems he is all mouth.

And he doesn't protest the company flag of his friends.

They attack only the weak.

On March 24, 2016, he announced that he had sent a letter of protest to executives including Michael Jordan and Nike CEO Mark Parker, saying the design of Nike's "Air Jordan 12 Retro the Master" was reminiscent of Japan's Rising Sun Flag.

The following is his scandal.

On April 25, 2016, he was accused by an outdoor company Nepa because violating and embezzling the Donation Act as chairman of the "Great Korean People" Foundation.

Sixty-four percent of the 114 pages of his master's thesis he wrote in 2004 were reported to have plagiarized, copied, and fabricated other people's papers and literature.

In 2017, JTBC raised funding from The National Intelligence Service and its involvement in the activities of The National Intelligence Service from the time of Lee Myung-bak's administration.

He said JTBC's reports of funding from The National Intelligence Service were false and "have never signed or been involved with The National Intelligence Service. If it is true, I will suspend all activities and resign from teaching."

On September 4, the same year, when JTBC reported evidence of fraud in his signed documents when it received funds from the commander of The National Intelligence Service, he changed his conventional claims and acknowledged that he had received support and funding from The National Intelligence Service.

He did not keep the word that all activities would suspend and that he would resign from teaching.

Koreans who are danced by this liar are pitiful.

And I'm sorry to the people who received harassment from the Koreans who are danced by this liar.

ラベル: ソ・ギョンドク




https://web.archive.org/web/20220328030538/https://twitter.com/KoreanL44236331/status/1508278883048599554 午後0:04 · 2022年3月28日 1⃣ https://twitter.com/JojiQuaestz/status/835111909296726016 ナチによる残虐行為の写真とされてきたが、実際は独ボエルケ・カザーンへの連合軍爆撃による。 1945年4月3日、爆撃機がノルトハウゼン市を攻撃。 目標外だったがボエルケ兵舎も爆撃を受け約1500人の収容者が爆死。 その後、プロパガンダ目的で写真が撮られた。 https://web.archive.org/web/20220328030824/https://twitter.com/KoreanL44236331/status/1508279581173710854 午後0:07 · 2022年3月28日 2⃣ https://twitter.com/JojiQuaestz/status/835112443051311104 連合軍の爆撃で死亡したことには一切触れられず 🚨LIFE 1945.5.7 埋葬前に通り沿いに約3000人の奴隷労働者の遺体を配置。 V-1・V-2爆弾部品工場で労働。 工場は1943年9月の建設。 飢餓、過労、殴打で死亡した2万人の奴隷の命が掛かっていた。 https://web.archive.org/web/20220328031037/https://twitter.com/KoreanL44236331/status/1508280288110997509 午後0:10 · 2022年3月28日 『ライフ』誌の1937年10月4日号 https://web.archive.org/web/20220328031526/https://twitter.com/KoreanL44236331/status/1508281442148630529 わてら無知な連中騙して世論誘導するの上手いやろ...🤪 https://web.archive.org/web/20220328031916/https://twitter.com/KoreanL44236331/status/1

歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

歴史は勝者によって作られる。 History is made by the winner. 江戸時代、討ち入りを果たした大石内蔵助は、彼らが勝者によってテロリスト集団になるのを恐れた。 During the Edo period, Oishi Kuranosuke, who had made the raid of Kira's mansion by the 47 ronin, feared that they would become a terrorist group by the winners. 大石内蔵助は、寺坂を後世に真実を伝えるため逃したという確認できない話がある。 There is an unrecognizable story that Oishi Kuranosuke has set Terasaka free for telling the truth to future generations. 日本と韓国には2つの歴史があります。 Japan and Korea have two histories. それは、「日本の力を借りて改革をした開化派」の歴史と、「中国と仲の良かった清派の両班と人身売買業者」の歴史である。 That is "the history of  The Enlightenment Party of Joseon  who reformed with the help of Japan" and "the history of The  Yangban  and human traffickers who were good friends with The Qing dynasty". この二つの歴史は、真逆の視点の歴史であり、相容れることのない歴史である。 These two histories are the opposite viewpoint and not compatible with each other. 私は朝鮮に対して興味はなかった。 I was not interested in Korea. 私の朝鮮や朝鮮人の印象としては、彼らが朝鮮で行った数多くの虐殺や、日本での数多くの暴動、殺人、レイプ等の犯罪


https://twitter.com/DiscardRed/status/1275969270791303170 花王文書 高槻むくげの会の李敬宰(イ・キョンジェ)の発言 https://ameblo.jp/kujirin/entry-12562316022.html 2019-12-26 10:57:55 有名な「スヒョン文書」並びに 追加で「花王文書」「第二花王文書」を添付いたします。 まだ読んでいない方はぜひ読んでみてください日本人なら許せない文章が羅列しています。 この文章の先に在日朝鮮人が見え隠れします。 スヒョン文書 ●いよいよ 投稿者: スヒョン 投稿日:2007年 7月30日(月)04時32分31秒   計画通り民主党が参院選で過半数を獲得 。 いよいよ始まりますね。自民党独裁弾圧政治の終わりの始まり。 我々虐げられてきた 在日同胞の権利拡大の始まり 。 最近はネットのおかげで90年代以前なら使えたネタが通じにくい ですが 民主党さんにはがんばってもらいましょう。 まず短期的には在日同胞のお年寄りへの 年金支給実現が急務 です。 生活保護だけでは本当に最低限の生活しか補償できないのが現実です。差別と弾圧の苦難の時代を乗り越え、我々三世四世が暮らせる基礎を気づき揚げてきたアボジたちに、豊かな老後生活を提供しなければならないですね。 多くの日本人同様に税金をしっかり払ってきたわけだし、これまでの差別の歴史を考えてみたら我々にも年金をもらう資格はあるし日本政府にもその責任があります。 在日同胞への年金支給がいちばんの優先です。 その 次は地方参政権獲得 へと山を作っていきましょう。 各地のコリアンタウンを基点 に、 組織的に民主党議員を 支援していく体制はすでに整っています が、足りないものがあれば、各支部ごとにまとめて本部に頼んでください。 民主党の中での雰囲気醸成や意見の舵取りなどは、同胞議員の先生たちがきちんと動いてくれる予定ですから心配ありません 。 また 北韓同胞との連携も必要になってきます ので、支部長レベルでの会合等調整をお願いします。  ●Re: いよいよ 投稿者: ハナ 投稿日:2007年 7月30日(月)04時44分54秒   >スヒョンニム 本当に素晴らしいことです。 こんなにも早く民主党が過半数とれるなんて! まだ参議院ですから油